February 17, 2015

Cleaning out the Cabinets

Hello everyone, hope everyone had a great long weekend. I just love Family Day, it's a great excuse to be lazy. 

Today I want to share a little organizing that I did to a cabinet that had been driving me nuts. We have a very small set of upper cabinets above our range hood (over our stove), and because it wouldn't fit too much I decided it was a great place for my baking supplies. I love to bake but have just recently started again and let my cabinet go to shambles. Don't believe me? Take a look:

When I saw just how bad this cabinet had gotten, it started to drive me crazy. All I could think about was cleaning it up and getting rid of anything that was expired or stale.

Here is a better view at level with the cabinet. It looks much worse from up here:

So the first step was to take everything out, which was an adventure. I am not a very tall person so reaching for the things crammed into the very top corners was a very fun exercise:

Holy stuff, I didn't realize that I could cram that much into a little cabinet! Then it became, when did I buy that? More than I am willing to admit was expired, so all of that hit the trash. I also had quite a few duplicates of spices because I obviously couldn't find them and just bought a new one.

I bought these containers from my local dollar store for $2 each. A little expensive if you ask me, but very necessary. I'm not sure exactly how big they are, but they seemed perfect for what I needed.

And after purging and combining everything, this is what I was left with:

I will hang my head in shame of my two baking powders, both of which are almost full. I decided to move my cookie cutters into the cabinet, since their previous home was shoved into a container in my laundry room. This seemed like a better all around solution. 

Next comes the best part of any organizing when you're a girl (or a guy that likes pretty things), the "let's make it pretty" stage. Why should my cabinet look boring when it can look super organized. Show people I've got my act together. Fake it until you make it, right?

I grabbed a sheet of my chalkboard vinyl (which really doesn't work that well) and my metallic sharpie markers:

And I cut equal (ish) strips of the vinyl and stuck them on the long side of the containers. Using the silver marker I wrote the contents in a cute way:

There was enough room for me to stack them, which surprised me. I am actually very happy that I was able to make all of the containers only take up half of the cabinet. Once I added everything that wasn't container freindly, this is what I had:

So much better! Sometimes the smallest changes make the biggest impact, like organizing your baking supplies. Now I know what I have and what I need, so no more wasting money by buying multiples. And I also have more room to bring some other kitchen items up from the laundry room and other places I've got them stashed.

Has anyone else gone through their cabinets to organize things? How great do you feel after getting rid of stuff?


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